From the farm to your door. No mıddleman.
Established in 1998 in Ankara, Turkey Elite Naturel Organik company is a vertically integrated a coop-like organization which operates from farms to final product.
Thanks to our own farming capabilities and contracted farmers, today we are the leading manifacturer of organic fruit and vegetable-based products. We have a continuous and sustainable production-delivery process with our experince in raw material of products, supply chain, product quality and customer satisfaction.
Mılestones for proven succes.
Traceability: Since the early 1990's, we have been cultivating our own fruit groves. Over the years, we have developed an in-depth understanding of growing processes and cultivation methods, enabling traceability and control over pesticide use, choosing the ideal fruit species and optimal harvesting times. This controlled process secures high quality standards for our clients.
Sustainability: With 8200 contracted farmers and with our own plantations, Elite Naturel supplies both retail industry and B2B. We are growing our raw materials, we are processing and packing them in our facilities. These capabilities allow us an independent structure to third parties and full sustainability.
Cost-Wise: As there is no middleman between the layers of production from field to final product, it gives the end users to benefit from best reasonable price directly from the producer without the need of any other complicated purchasing channels.
Flexibility: Our completely organic product portfolio and comprehensive knowledge enable us to develop tailor-made products customized to your specific requirements and to present multiple packaging solutions,assisting to your every need.
We believe in squeezing our fruits and vegetables the cold pressed way is the best method to help protecting the flavor and nutrients of the raw ingredients that we use in our juicery.
Cold pressed juice is juice slowly extracted from fruits and vegetables at a cold temprature (4 Celsius Degree). By slow grinding and pressing the fruits and vegetables, minimal friction is caused. The juice gets extracted in its purest form, the flavor is retained and you can clearly still recognize the fruits and vegetables in your juice. The end result is the most nutritions and delicious juice, tasting as close to fresh picked as possible.
In order to create healthy and tasty beverages and food products, Elite Naturel puts great emphasis on advenced, high-qualified research & development methods, as well as professional teams.
Elite Naturel's experienced professionals include a wide range of multi-disciplinary experts: Food engineers, flavor expertsi food technologists, analytical chemist, laboratory technicians and trained tasters.
Today's challenging market dynamics requires proactive and flexible solutions. Our tailor-made approach is designed to adress our clients specific needs in creating custon made products. Here are certain examples of our partners whom we create customized products for their valuable brands.
Elite Naturel is commited to ensure the highest quality managament standarts throghout the entire value chain, from purchase to production, storage and delivery. To do so, Elite Naturel conducts supplier audits, performs self-audits and complies with international standards of food product quality and safety.
Elite Naturel's quality managament policy's goal is to ensure its products safety, environmental protection occupational and transportation safety.